For those of us constantly on the go, this is the perfect routine for you! As if yoga couldn’t make us feel more serene and badass at the same time already, take this quick vinyasa routine to make you feel like the all-star of the day. Not only are you busy making things happen in your life but also having the time to work out is the icing on the cake! The great thing about this routine is, if you transition quickly from pose to pose (holding each pose for 1 breathe before transitioning to the next), you’ll up your heartbeat making this a sufficient cardio workout as well (so good!). Cardio plus the toning and stretching benefits that yoga inherently provides (whether you’re in a pose or transitioning from pose to pose) makes this the best full body workout. Add your favorite playlist and you’re good to go!
Go through all the poses in this sequence four times, 3-4 times a week, if you can, for the full benefits. Remember: it’s all about the breath here. You got this!
Quick Yoga Routine
1. Start in Child’s Pose. Kneel, with knees wide and toes touching, then fold over legs so stomach rests on knees, forehead on floor, and arms stretched out in front of you;
2. Come up onto all fours and do a few rounds of Cat-Cow Pose. Arch back, look up, and inhale for Cow Pose, then round up spine, look toward belly button, and exhale for cat;
3. Inhale and step back to Plank Pose, the top of a push-up;
4. Exhale, and use your arms and chest to lower halfway to the floor for Chaturanga, keeping elbows close to ribs and wrists underneath shoulders;
5. Inhale and come into Cobra Pose: Flip feet so the tops rest on mat and press through hands to arch back and lift chest to the sky;
6. Exhale as you lift your hips up and back into Downward Dog, hands and feet on the mat, body in an inverted-V shape;
7. Inhale bringing right knee towards your nose, place foot between hands, and stand chest up for High Lunge Pose, raising arms overhead. (On the next round, use left leg. Do both sides, twice in total);
8. Stand up and exhale, bending knees and sitting butt back into Chair Pose, arms extended straight up by ears, legs pressing into each other.
9. Inhale, straightening legs and rising up onto toes. Extend arms back by sides and bend forward for Diver’s Pose, right.
10. Exhale, lower heels, and stand up straight in Mountain Pose, keeping arms by sides.
Quickly start the sequence again. When you finish the fourth round, lie flat on your back with your legs and arms relaxed in Savasana. High five, you did it!
Adapted from Glamour Magazine